
Expected Outcome

6 Pancakes, approximately 210 mm in diameter, approximately 5 mm thick


- flour:
  amount: 200
  unit: gram
- milk:
  amount: 300
  unit: gram
- salt:
  amount: 2
  unit: pinch
- sugar:
  amount: 50
  unit: gram
- eggs:
  amount: 2
  unit: pieces
- yoghurt:
  amount: 100
  unit: gram

Preparing the Dough

Cooking the Pancakes

Gently heat your pan to approximately 150 °C. At no point should you see smoke emerging from the pan, and only miniscule amounts of steam should escape the dough while it is in the pan. Any occurrence of smoke or excessive steam are a sign of too high temperature. Dissolve a small amount of greasing agent in the pan, making sure that it covers the entire surface. A thin spatula may help to spread the grease, otherwise lift the pan and tilt it to guide the grease over the entire flat surface of the pan.

Now that the pan is prepared, use a ladle to stir the dough for approximately 20 seconds. This is necessary to ensure a homogenous consistency of the pancakes, countering the sedimentation of the denser ingredients. Pour approximately 128 g of dough into the pan, using the ladle. Tip: Start pouring with the ladle low over the pan to avoid hot grease from flying around Tip: Lift the ladle while pouring to increase the dough’s velocity when hitting the pan, which causes it to spread further in the pan When the dough is not covering the flat part of the pan bottom, lift the entire pan and tilt it gently to distribute the dough evenly.

As the dough is being baked, its surface turns from glossy to mat. Once the entire visible side of the dough turned mat, you can check whether the dough sticks to the pan. Lift the pan from the stove, and rock it forward and backward. Tip: If the pancake is not coming loose from the pan, reseat the pan on the stove and pry the spatula between pancake and pan bottom, circling around the circumference of the pancake Wait until pancake’s now mat surface starts developing many pin sized holes. This is from the now evaporating water in the dough, and indicates that the pancake may be ready for a flip.

For the flip, you can use the spatula or throw the pancake using a rotating movement from your wrist while holding the pan. When throwing the pancake, anticipate that grease agent might splash around, and that the hot pancake can burn non-heat resistance materials such as skin. Prepare accordingly for the case that you fail to catch the thrown pancake in the pan again, i.e. attempt this over a hygienic, grease & heat-resistant surface such as your previously cleaned kitchen work surface.

Once the flip succeeded, give the pancake another 60 seconds. After extraction of the now finished pancake, start over by adding a smaller amount of grease agent and dough, as described above.